Category: SEO
How to Create quality Backlinks
How to create Quality Backlinks. This is one of the common and widely asked questions by bloggers and webmasters. Backlinks are considering as a backbone of your website SEO. When we are talking about the rankings in search engine result page, backlinks plays a vital role in it. Nobody can rank their site without backlinks.…
Best SEO Techniques to Rank Your site in 2018.
Best SEO techniques to rank your site in 2018. SEO world is very dynamic and changing from time to time. To retain the rankings in the Search engine you have to implement the new strategy according to latest search algorithm updates especially if you are trying to rank in Google. However, every search engines follow…
SEO For Fintech Startups
We all know that search engine optimization is difficult in a post-Penguin world, but for the growing financial technology (fintech) industry, it’s even more difficult, with high DA/TA incumbents taking up large market share. For SEOs however, traffic isn’t always the key to success. It’s important to think about your actual objectives; leads, brand awareness, partnering with…
How to Check If You’re Outsourced PPC Agency Is Doing Its Job Properly or Not
We can understand that the decision of outsourcing PPC management services or keeping them in-house is a complex one! It is a decision that every entrepreneur needs to think about comprehensively. Many start-ups or small companies manage their own PPC, which is acceptable in the early days. However, when you have spent a reasonable time…
Organizing Your SEO Campaigns – Best Practices
Leading an SEO campaign usually involves a group of talented and ambitious hard-working people juggling many tasks with the aim to produce the best results. According to imFORZA’s SEO statistics, 70% of the links search users click on are organic. Well-organized teams are the key to success, and it is of major significance to keep…
SEMrush, Best keyword research Tool.
Keywords play a great role in SEO. Keywords determine your ranking in the search engine result page for a particular word or phrase. I always suggest my readers use a keyword research tool. There are many keyword research tools available online. But an effective keyword research tool is very important to make most out of…
Handy Tips to Recuperate from Google Panda Penalty
Handy Tips to Recuperate from Google Panda Penalty. With the increased in usage of internet worldwide, Google is constantly improving the searching algorithm to stop the spam websites to get a higher rank in Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). Websites were easily able to rank well in the past by utilizing Black Hat SEO techniques,…
3 things can get hit you by Panda Algorithm Penalty
3 things can get hit you by Panda Algorithm Penalty. There is a race going on between the SEO and the Google. The SEO guys are finding new things to rank their site on Google SERP, and the Google is committed to keeping the stakes high of the ranking, so the searcher gets the best…
SEO Designing Mistakes that Impact the Website Rank
The design is the most crucial part of any application. Developers and designers place a lot of effort into creating a clean and professional looking design because web designs can convert a website visitor into a customer and it can also divert the users to alternative websites. Clients hire an expert and dedicated developers to…
The Power of Internal Links
Internal links plays a vital role in Search Engine Optimization. It does not just enhance the user experience, it also points to other existing pages on your site that your visitors will find valuable. How you link to other pages within your site also helps Google locate the rest of your pages, index and rank…