Write For Us

If you have a great content and want to publish it on our blog then you are most welcome to our blog. At Wmblogie we believe in Teamwork. We work with our guest authors as a team and help them to spread the content online. Wmblogie is one of the fastest growing Tech blogs which covers the latest topics on Technology, Internet marketing, Blogging, SEO etc. We also frequently post tips and tricks as well which will help our readers.

Before I will brief the things for you. I will suggest you visit our homepage and see some of our articles to get an idea of what type of articles we publish on our blog. This will help you to craft a good post for our blog.

We are currently looking guest posts on the following categories:

  • Technology
  • Blogging
  • SEO
  • WordPress
  • Web Development
  • Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Internet

What are the requirements of Guest Post for our Blog?

We have certain requirements for a guest post. Which will help us to maintain the quality of our blog and give our readers a fruitful post. To submit a guest post, you must have to follow some of the guidelines below.

  1. Article Must be unique, relevant and have at least 800+ Words. Do not submit copied content.
  2. Posts will acknowledge your authorship but will be the property of Wmblogie.com
  3. Once the post has been submitted to Wmblogie you may not publish it anywhere online, in part or in whole, including your own website or blog.
  4. Your post must be free of grammatical and spelling errors. Use Proper content structure to craft a blog post.
  5. We respect others work. So, don’t submit copyrighted materials like images or anything, If necessary make proper attribute to your images.
  6. Add at least one image with your post. An image speaks a thousand word.
  7. When quoting others, please make sure to properly cite your source.
  8. We allow links to the article, however, it must be relevant to the article and have added some extra information. We do not allow affiliate links or malicious URLs.
  9. The article must be relevant to our blog topics. Non-relevant content cannot be published. You can write about any topics which cover our blog’s category like Technology, Marketing, Affiliate marketing, Social media, blogging and so on…
  10. Send your Gravatar-enabled email id and a complete bio along with your articles.

These are some of the few guidelines to submit a guest post on our blog.

How to Submit a guest post?

To submit a guest post you have to simply ready up your article and send it to us at imjenniferparker@gmail.com. we will verify your article and upon successful verification, we will publish it on our blog. It usually takes 24 hrs but in some cases can take longer. A confirmation email will be sent to you regarding your article status.

If you have any queries or questions regarding the Guest post, Feel free to contact us.

Note:- We also accept Sponsored Posting, Paid Guest Posting, Paid Reviews, etc. To learn more about pricing and procedure, please contact us at imjenniferparker@gmail.com