Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Leverage Your Online Brand Reputation in 9 Easy Steps

    Social media platforms are a great way to build your online brand reputation while at the same time it can result in tarnishing the same reputation if something backfires. With a positive online brand reputation, you can either further your career as a blogger or even boost sales/conversion rates. The question here is how you…

  • SEMrush, Best keyword research Tool.

    Keywords play a great role in SEO. Keywords determine your ranking in the search engine result page for a particular word or phrase. I always suggest my readers use a keyword research tool. There are many keyword research tools available online. But an effective keyword research tool is very important to make most out of…

  • SSL, Why you need it?

    SSL, Why you need it? You might want to know why you need an SSL certificates. The online world is so adventurous. We love to watch movies, playing games and do shopping online. But when comes to the security we always prefer sites with SSL. You have seen a green bar on the left side…

  • Eight Benefits of Internet Marketing For Every Business

    Internet marketing is the practice of promoting a brand through web, which is commonly adopted by every next entrepreneurs these days. When they are spending on traditional marketing, internet marketing costs much cheaper and effective to them. A number of researches have shown that people go through social media and different repeatable websites like Google…

  • 5 Common Mistakes That Beginner Bloggers Make

    When starting to write for a business blog, beginner bloggers may be tempted to do certain actions which may seem right and necessary, but are not very important. These actions are represented by the common mistakes beginner bloggers tend to do. Blogging may seem as an easy task that can be performed by almost any…

  • 7 creative ways to write a blog post

    7 Creative ways to write a blog post. In this digital world, blogging is the best way to keep in touch with your audience. The more businesses are getting themselves registered on the internet, the more they are in need of the good bloggers who can represent their business in the best words. These blogs…

  • Handy Tips to Recuperate from Google Panda Penalty

    Handy Tips to Recuperate from Google Panda Penalty. With the increased in usage of internet worldwide, Google is constantly improving the searching algorithm to stop the spam websites to get a higher rank in Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). Websites were easily able to rank well in the past by utilizing Black Hat SEO techniques,…

  • 5 Tips to Building a Successful Blog That Sets You Free

    We all want a successful blog. These 5 tips to building a successful blog will help you work towards the lifestyle that you’ve been dreaming about. Yes, we’re told that we shouldn’t do this for the money. So how do we build a successful blog if we shouldn’t do it for the money? The truth…

  • How to Deal With Cloudflare 502 Error.

    How to Deal With Cloudflare 502 Error. Cloudflare is one of the popular Content Delivery Networks and It is also free. Many of you are using it to speed up your blog performance. I am also using it for my blog. But in many cases, you might notice the 502 error while browsing your website.…

  • Whatsapp Have Been Come Up With 16 Different Emojis

    Social media plays a major role in communicating with each other all over the world. One such media is the Whatsapp, which is useful to the users in various ways. It makes us chat with each other, with the help of Smartphone applications. Now, there are a lot of features, which were introduced to make…

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