Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Ways to Enhance your Marketing Strategy With Google Analytics

    Google is the world’s most trusted and widely used search engine. Almost everyone of us uses it for answer to our day to day queries. Be it searching  good grocery shop in the vicinity or looking for some famous delicacies of the world, Google search engine is our partner always. But, do you know that…

  • 4 Deadly Mistakes to Avoid when Choosing a Web Hosting

    4 Deadly Mistakes to Avoid when Choosing a Web Hosting. With the revolution of internet, the presence of online business companies are increasing over time and not to mention that the competition in the market is gradually increasing as well. In order to establish a good presence in the market, business companies hire PHP developers or…

  • How to Deal with HTTP Error in WordPress

    You might notice the HTTP error while uploading images to your WordPress. This error happens randomly without any notice. I have also faced this type of issue. You try to upload images to your WordPress media and suddenly it stuck with saying HTTP error. There are various reasons for this error. In this post, I…

  • Best SEO Plugins for WordPress

    Best SEO Plugins for WordPress. WordPress is widely used blogging CMS by bloggers. WordPress is so intuitive and easy to manage that it doesn’t require any technical knowledge. A plethora of plugins and themes makes it easier to operate and create a professional looking blog. Today I am talking about some best SEO plugins which…

  • Lesser Known Web Design Facts

    Lesser Known Web Design Facts. To be able to understand what web design is all about, you will have to be willing to look past the apparent appeal of the website. It is what happens at the backend that makes the website appears so vivid and interactive. Different web browsers interpret websites differently due to…

  • Learn from these Mistakes before Starting the Social Media Strategy

    Many people consider social media strategy as an easy process. Is it easy? No, it isn’t. Social Media strategy involves the use of the variety of platforms to target the audience effectively. Many people get confused while starting the social media strategy due to lack of proper research. This results in big mistakes or blunders.…

  • How to Create an Editorial Calendar for your blog

    An editorial calendar helps keep track of your blogging schedule along with the number of posts you make on your blog and holidays that probably might affect the topics of your blog. Creating an editorial calendar not only helps cut down the hassle of coming up with a new idea for a blog post but…

  • 3 things can get hit you by Panda Algorithm Penalty

    3 things can get hit you by Panda Algorithm Penalty. There is a race going on between the SEO and the Google. The SEO guys are finding new things to rank their site on Google SERP, and the Google is committed to keeping the stakes high of the ranking, so the searcher gets the best…

  • SEO Designing Mistakes that Impact the Website Rank

    The design is the most crucial part of any application. Developers and designers place a lot of effort into creating a clean and professional looking design because web designs can convert a website visitor into a customer and it can also divert the users to alternative websites. Clients hire an expert and dedicated developers to…

  • Highly Actionable Blogging Checklist For Newbie’s

    Highly Actionable Blogging Checklist For Newbie’s. Let’s be honest here, we are all excited to write our first ever blog post And it seems pretty easy, Right? You pretty much have to Login to your admin area, hover down to the post area click on ‘New post’ and start typing. In reality There are much…

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