Where You Will See Virtual Reality Technology in 2019?

Virtual reality is a way that takes the user to a computer-generated environment where they are engaged in the virtual world. Putting on a VR handset helps create a simulated set-up that keeps the user away from the actual surroundings for the time he uses the device. Try it out only once to know why I am giving such statement!

Virtual Reality

It will be difficult for you to understand things while going to explore it from an experimental perspective. However, taking the technical backend into consideration, you will get a complete idea about the things that happen in the industry.

According to many experts, the virtual reality (VR) will be the next big thing of the future. Wondering how could a bulky headset make a difference in the coming time? They will allow you to experience really matchless without having to go to the store.

We can understand there are many things that you can’t get access to in the real life, but in the online games, it seems easier to reach to them with ease. The time is coming soon when you will spot VR and AR (augmented reality) near to your home location in 2019. Going into the fact, we have observed that more than a billion users will be getting the benefits of VR and AR technology by 2020.

Difference between The VR and AR

Lots of new technologies have been introduced in this year so far. However, the revolution created by VR is unique in itself. So, it’s important for you to understand what is the difference between VR and AR.

Augmented reality is that you already experienced in Pokemon Go craze. It allows players to see various game characters on their handsets covered over the images of their physical surroundings. However, characters seemed to belong to the real world.

With the exploration of VR games like scary games, you as a user are allowed to enter into a simulated lifelike environment. The incidents happen here provides you with a feeling like you are present in the game.

Where You Will Find These Technologies in Future?

The Workplace: Both AR and VR can be seen in the workplace to conduct various operations like in providing training to employees to prototyping to product testing. This will help employers to cut the cost of hiring the unnecessary employees or products that might fail when the real picture of their capabilities opens up.

Entertainment Venues: Many big movie theatres and malls have been struggling since the time when Amazon and Netflix entered the market and allowed people to watch their favorite movies and TV shows from the comfort of their home. These entertainment venues will soon be witnessing the virtual reality headsets that provide larger-than-life play that is not at all possible to experience through at-home headsets.

Shopping Places: The availability of AR and VR technology will definitely make your shopping a comparatively simplified and personalized experience – whether you choose to shop from home or in a store. All the time you will have the assistance or direction provided by these latest technologies. A virtual customer service person will always be there to assist you.

Home: Get ready to explore a number of options for socializing, gaming and connecting with your friends or colleagues whether you play or work from home.

Doctor’s Clinic: There are many people who avoid going to a medical facility due to various reasons. However, there will be applications for use in healthcare facilities, doctor’s home clinic and more. Various purposes including anxiety treatment, depression, pain management, and rehabilitation will be fulfilled with VR.

Everywhere Else: Virtual reality technologies will also be seen in other places, including from traveling offices to advertising and marketing agencies to take a business to a new level.

What Will Be Coming for You?

The future of VR technology is very bright and clear. We can expect to witness the rapid advancements when it comes to enjoying a truly immersive digital experience. The present capabilities are excellent and will come in the future with the tremendous improvements since many major players like Google, Oculus, Microsoft, and HTC keep their eyes on it.

It would not be wrong to say that we will soon get an environment that will be looking in a much better way than the real world does with virtual reality. The VR technology has enabled many leading brands to create countless opportunities. And, as a result, we are proud today to enjoy the breath-taking marketing content based on VR.

The primary objective of these companies is not only to become a leader in innovation, but they are determined to win over customers with the delivering of something their users really like. No need to bother, if you are looking forward to developing a VR app for your business since many companies are there to help you out.

Just focus on enjoying the current virtual reality world and get ready to welcome something more exciting and stunning in the coming future!






4 responses to “Where You Will See Virtual Reality Technology in 2019?”

  1. Bikram Avatar

    Hey Vishwajeet,

    Awesome article. I am being a user of Ocolus rift know that the future of AR and VR is way brighter then it may seem.
    In medical, in construction in all the fields where you require visual representation can benefit from it.

  2. Bhawna Kaushik Avatar
    Bhawna Kaushik

    Hiii Vishwajeet,

    I have never really user VR apart from Google’s cardboard. It seemed pretty cool.
    New technology will replace and all we can do is adapt.
    Am I right?

    1. Vishwajeet Kumar Avatar

      Exactly Bhawna,

      We all have to adapt ourselves to the latest technology trends. Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  3. Dharmik Babariya Avatar
    Dharmik Babariya

    Great article! Today we live in the world of technology. We heard about this two words AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality). This two technology will change our lives in the future. Thank you for sharing such a great article regarding VR.

    Have a nice day


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