5 Free Traffic Methods That Converts

Congrats on creating a brand new blog. Now, what? To become a successful blogger, You have to drive traffic to your blog. People won’t see your content until you promote your stuff online. Here traffic does not mean that people come to your blog, Scan a few posts and then leave your site. These type of traffic is useless for you.

Free traffic Methods

In this post, I am going to show the 5 free traffic methods that convert very well. There is a lot of argument whether free or paid traffic works? Paid traffic is definitely a good option to drive huge traffic but its need budget. In many cases, I have seen that many bloggers drive huge traffic using free methods.

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger who knows exactly how to leverage huge traffic from free sources.  You can also buy his ebooks to learn more about blogging.

Here are some of the best and free traffic methods that convert very well by providing quality and human traffic to your blog.

#1. Search Engine Optimization.

SEO is one of the best, free, and highly convertible traffic sources. Bloggers are thrived to gain traffic from search engines. To utilize this method of traffic, you have to create quality content and make your site search engine friendly.  Google loves the quality and relevant content that resonates with your readers. Make your site navigation easy so that users can browse your site without having any issue. You can read our post on how to make your site more SEO friendly.

#2.  Guest Posting

Guest posting is one of the best ways to drive huge traffic while spreading your content across the internet. It helps you to build your authority online. It also helps you to connect with fellow bloggers.

You have to create a good bond and relationship with other bloggers by sharing their content, featuring them on your blog, blog commenting. I have seen that many newbies directly approach a blogger and ask them for guest posting. This is not a good idea and hence most of them did not get any reply from them.

Make sure that you have to build a good bond before approaching them. They will surely welcome you on their blog for guest posting. I personally use this approach and it helps me to submit a guest post on some high authority blogs.

#3. Blog commenting

Blog commenting does not have any SEO value as most of the blogs provide nofollow links in their comment section. However, It is a good way to drive blasts of traffic to your blog. Posting one-liner comments do not make any magic. These type of comments are automatically trashed by the blog owners.

Blog commenting is an art and you have to learn it. Check out Donna Merrill’s blog. She is a professional blogging coach and knows how to drop a comment on blogs. You can learn more from her.

Make your blog comment detailed and relevant to the content. This is what I called a genuine and authentic comment. When you do that people love to know more about you and visit your blog. It is really a golden opportunity for you to build a loyal readership for your blog.

#4.  Social Networking Sites

From the inception of the social networking sites, People loves to connect with people online. Today social networking sites are not only the place of chatting and hanging around with people. It is now a business hub. Today thousands of companies are joining social networking sites to connect with their target users.

Lisa Sicard knows how to leverage this free source of traffic by sharing your content on your social networking sites. She is a pro blogger and knows everything about social networking sites and how they work.  Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn are some of the best traffic sources.

Make a daily habit of sharing your content on your social networks. Build your social presence by connect with bloggers, sharing their contents, etc. You have to build a mutual relationship to make most out of your social network campaigns.

#5. Online Forums

Forums are a great place to generate free and quality traffic. Some of the best forums which I have joined since 2010 are Warriorforum, Digitalpoint, WebmasterSun, etc. These are the community where you can learn more about blogging and marketing. You can use your signature links to drive traffic to your blog.

Joining these forums is not the last thing and it really won’t work if you are not active in these forums. You have to actively participate in these forums to build trust and traffic as well. Magic won’t happen in a single day. You have to contribute yourself by sharing your ideas, suggestions, feedback to build a trust and faith.

Over to you

These are some of the best free traffic generation method that helps you to drive quality and engaging traffic to your blog. I personally use these methods to drive traffic to my blog. These are the proven ways to build a huge readership for your blog. I have said already that magic won’t happen in a single day. Free traffic works great for the long run and provides your sustainable traffic.

I hope you have enjoyed this post. Let me know your thoughts in the comment section. If you liked the post, please share it.






18 responses to “5 Free Traffic Methods That Converts”

  1. Brain Pundits Avatar

    Hey Vishwajeet.

    Awesome Article. I think SEO is one of the best and long term solution. Although it is not that easy and requires alot of hardwork. . .

  2. Ryan Biddulph Avatar

    Dude you rock! Thanks Vishwajeet. Big fan of blog commenting because it is an easy way to make friends, to add helpful content to a post, and to serve people, Fun as can be. Rocking bloggers up top too, Thanks for sharing!


    1. Vishwajeet Kumar Avatar

      Hey Ryan,

      Glad you liked the post. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.

      Have a Great day 🙂

  3. Donna Merrill Avatar

    Thanks Vishwajeet

    I do believe that if a person is a blogger then commenting is so important. Leaving a good comment on a person’s blog as well as answering comments on our own blog is important.

    Thanks so much for your kind words about me. I have to say all the others are right on the spot!


    1. Vishwajeet Kumar Avatar

      Hello Donna,

      Glad to know that you like the post. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

      Have a Great day

  4. Lisa Sicard Avatar

    Thanks Vishwajeet, as you know I love using the social networks for sharing and commenting too! My favorite is still Twitter but I’m growing fonder of Instagram these days too!
    Blogging commenting and using SEO are also important!

    1. Vishwajeet Kumar Avatar

      Hey Lisa,

      I know, You are quite active on social networks especially on twitter. You really have vast knowledge in this field.

      Thanks for stopping by 🙂

  5. piyush kumar Avatar

    Thanks Vishwajeet…

    I suggest Seo is best method for long term…


  6. Praveen Verma Avatar

    Glad to read this post. SEO optimization is one of the best ways to increase traffic to your site, if done right. Quality content is not enough, we need to make an effort to make it SEO friendly too. Also, SEO friendly site matters a lot and which increases visibility in search engines.

    Social media platforms are one best and easy ways to promote your content. It helps you to connect with your potential customers. First of all, you must have a decent number of followers in your social media accounts.

    No doubt, commenting on other’s blog helps in making healthy relationships with fellow bloggers and also increases your blog’s brand value.

    Thanks for this informative post.

    Best wishes,
    Praveen Verma

    1. Vishwajeet Kumar Avatar

      Hello Praveen,

      SEO is a long term and sustainable traffic sources. Its definitely time consuming job and you have to work hard to rank your sites. Thanks for stopping by 🙂

      Have a Great Day 🙂

  7. Gaurav Kumar Avatar

    Hi Vishwajeet

    Traffic to blog is like blood to body. No traffic, dead blog.

    It is really necessary to discover the opportunities to boost traffic in real time.

    When trying to build traffic streams one should focus on bringing traffic on the oldest posts.

    SEO is the very first thing that helps you bring traffic to the oldest posts. But stay white hat, as you do not want the bute of black cat.

    Do guest blogging with caution, don”‘t overdo it and also only create post to add value.

    Blog commenting is there to help you build relationships. Blind blog comments make you spammer and friendly comments makes you the friend.

    Social networking sites are the breath of marketing. Cannot compete with competitors without positive branding on social networking sites.

    Inline forums are there to help people. If you are the one who believe in helping others than forums are the best place to bring traffic.

    I hope I have not said too much as I always have something more to say.

    Thanks for the nice post and mentioning my friends.

    Don’t forget me, it old blogger friend.

    1. Vishwajeet Kumar Avatar

      Hey Gaurav,

      Indeed, quality matters a lot. You have to provide quality when doing guest posts. I will never forget you and will try to mention you in my upcoming posts.
      Thanks for stopping by and dropping your valuable inputs.

      Have a Great day 🙂

  8. Bhawna Kaushik Avatar

    Hey Vishwajeet

    traffic is the lifeline of any online business and the point which have mentioned here are clear, to the point and are easy to follow.

    Keep up the good work
    🙂 🙂

    1. Vishwajeet Kumar Avatar

      Hello Bhawna,

      Glad you liked the post. Thanks for stopping by 🙂


  9. Dharmik Babariya Avatar

    Hey Vishwajeet,

    Amazing post! Nowadays every bloggers or site owner wants more traffic. If you get more traffic to your site then you might get tons of value. Guest posting is my favorite way to derive traffic because it will derive more audience to your site. And also you build a new connection.

    Thanks for sharing such a valuable article.

    Have a nice day:)

  10. sushant gupta Avatar
    sushant gupta

    thanks vishwajeet,

    Thanks for sharing this informative article. these are really best techniques to get more traffic in your site. from these i think blog commenting best method to grow traffic

  11. Taka Avatar

    Hi Vishwajeet,

    SEO and guest posting require some effort upfront, but you can use other strategies you mentioned as long as you have decent amount of content. You are right. There is no magic that suddenly brings tons of traffic one day. Enjoyed your post. Thanks!

  12. Salman khan Avatar
    Salman khan

    Awesome Article. I think SEO is one of the best and long term solution. Although it is not that easy and requires alot of hardwork. . .

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