How to Choose An Affiliate program

How to choose an affiliate program. Many of you are completely aware of affiliate programs and how it works. An affiliate program is a term where you promote a product of a company and if you generate a sale from your affiliate link then you will get some percent of that sale as a commission.  So, it is quite simple.

How to choose a right affiliate program?

Well choosing a right affiliate program isn’t a rocket science and doesn’t require having great skills. Here I will elaborate the things clearly that how you can choose a right affiliate program.

#1. Understand your niche

Before you start selecting an affiliate program, you need to understand your niche. Which means that what type of programs you want to promote? Let’s say that you are in a web hosting niche and operate a web hosting reviewing blog. Then you want to promote web hosting related services. So, you need to join the web hosting affiliate programs. So, it is extremely important that you understand your niche. Promoting relevant products is very effective to generate quality leads and conversions

 #2. You need a website

Yes, you definitely need a valid website in order to apply for affiliate programs. Most of the affiliate networks like Shareasale or CJ have requirements of having a website in order to promote their products and services.  Most of us think that promoting affiliate program is an easy task. But the fact is that if you don’t have a website than it is very hard to generate sales. So, having a website will give you ease of doing affiliate marketing online. Through the website, you can write reviews about the products and services which you want to promote. This will increase trust among your readers and thus it will convert into sales and leads.

#3. Selecting a right affiliate program

Ok, after understanding about your niche. Now you can select an affiliate program for yourself. Well in this process you can evaluate the affiliate programs of the following basis:
  • Commission rates: – You can determine your affiliate program through their commission rates. Obviously, you can go with programs that pay you a higher commission. But sometimes products which have higher commission rates don’t convert very well.
  • Quality of products: – Quality of the product is very important in choosing a right affiliate program. It doesn’t matter that the product gives you 80% of sale; Products of low quality usually have high refund rates.
  • Product popularity: – It is also a very important aspect of choosing an affiliate program. Products which have good popularity and have low refund rates can boost your sale.
  • Refund rates: – Make sure that the products you are choosing are had low refund rates. High refund rate products don’t perform very well and it will cost you a lot.
  • Affiliate support: – This is the most important thing that you might look before joining an affiliate program.
These are some of the facts that you will consider before choosing an affiliate program.

In-house Affiliate Program or Affiliate networks

Here most of the affiliate marketers or webmasters get confused. They are wandering that which type of affiliate program they join, In-house or Affiliate networks. Well, both type of affiliate program is a good option. However, both of them have their own pros and cons.

In-house affiliate programs give you the opportunity to join a single affiliate program and promote a single product. Affiliate networks like Shareasale and CJ give you the opportunity to promote multiple programs without joining them individually.  You can join multiple programs in a single category. Affiliate networks bring multiple advertisers under a single roof. All you need is to apply for them. If you get approved by the advertisers you are able to promote their products and services.

Affiliate networks also provide you with detailed reports on your sales and commissions. They also pay you in time.  For me, if you are completely new in affiliate marketing than affiliate networks is a great option to get started.


Well, I hope that I have covered detail topic on how to choose a right affiliate program. These steps will surely help you to choose a right affiliate program. If you have any questions or thoughts regarding this article, you can share it with us. Just drop a comment below. We love to hear your thoughts and ideas. Thanks for reading.






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